website design
STATIC HTML sites are generally faster, less prone to security problems, simpler to design and host and so less expensive to build. They usually need updating by Wrathweb.
WORDPRESS sites are very flexible but are more complex to deploy and are often targets for hackers. They need careful set up and need ongoing maintenance to keep them secure and working smoothly. They can be set up by Wrathweb to allow site owners to edit the content themselves in line with their skill level.
Static HTML websites are made up of webpages consisting of an HTML file plus associated resources such as photos, CCS style sheets and scripts that are all processed by the browser and displayed on your device.
A WordPress site will look and function the same as a static HTML site to visitors but the method of delivering it to the web browser is more complex. WordPress websites are mainly written with a programming language called PHP that controls how the site interacts with it’s database. When a visitor visits your webpage, the PHP code on the server receives that request and retrieves the relevant content from the WordPress database. Only then does it convert that content into an HTML file etc, and sends it to the browser for display.
Q: Can I make changes to a static html website myself?
A: Sometimes. We have done it before but it’s usually easier to use Wordpress.
Q: Is it possible for a static site to be used for a simple online shop?
A: Yes. There are a number of ways of doing this. You have complete online control over the shop part of the website.
Q: Do you provide help on how to edit my Wordpress website?
A: Yes. We can provide a pdf user guide especially written for your website and hands-on tuition if needed.
Q: I already have a Wordpress website. Can you give it a makeover?
A: Probably. We normally offer a complete packages for our clients including installation and ongoing maintenance, but we can usually work on an existing site.
The Original Luxury Rock Tour of Swinging London
This multi page static HTML site makes great use of photos and video to promote the tour along with an online booking form.
Actors' Agency and Management
David Daly Associates has been established for 35 years, becoming one of the top boutique agencies in the country.
Wordpress site showcasing professional actors to producers, directors and casting directors in stage, TV, film and advertising.
We live to eat, and we really love to eat in the street!
This single page static HTML site loads fast on mobile and tablet and provides a great window on their catering skills.
Wrathweb is a website design and hosting business based in a small Pennine village near Huddersfield specialising in trusted, easy to use websites backed up by excellent support.
Wrathweb: 59 Towngate, Hepworth, Holmfirth HD9 1TE.
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Wrathweb - building website trust by design.
© Wrathweb Website Design Huddersfield 2022-25